Greatest invention of Einstein

On December 02

Greatest invention of Einstein

Albert Einstein Born on14 March 1879

Ulm, Kingdom of Württemberg, German Empire

Albert Einstein had many discoveries as a scientist, but is most known for his Theory of Relativity.

Albert Einstein has invented many things , Special relativity, Photoelectric effect, E=mc2 (Mass–energy equivalence), E=h f  (Planck–Einstein relation)Theory of Brownian     motion, Einstein field equations, Bose–Einstein statistics, Bose–Einstein condensate, Gravitational   wave, Cosmological constant, Unified field theory



Quantum Theory of Light




Einstein’s quantum theory of light -

light is composed of small packets of energy called photons that have wave like properties. This theory  explain the emission of electrons from some metals by lightning is called photo electric effect .  Invention of  the  Television, screen devices ( smartphones, computers, laptops).

 Photon is a discrete bundle of electromagnetic energy. They move at a constant velocity, c = 2.9979 x 108 m/s  in free space.They possess zero mass and zero rest energy.

They carry energy and momentum, which correlate with the frequency  and wavelength  and the momentum of the electromagnetic wave by E = hn

E=mc2 – The relation between mass and energy that led to the nuclear energy.


Brownian  Movement

The observation of the zigzag movement of   particles in suspension, it  prove the existence of atoms and molecules.  Fundamental  that  discovery  is to almost every branch of science. Thermal   molecular motions responsible for the random movements of microscopically visible bodies suspended in a liquid.


Special Theory of Relativity




 Einstein this  theory  explains that time and motion are relative to their observers, as the speed of light remains constant and natural laws are the same  the universe.

 This provide explanation for the way  radiation and matter interact when different inertial frames  an interaction viewed - by an observer at rest and an observer moving at uniform speed.


Einstein theory on two postulates:


The   principle of relativity- that physical laws are the same in all inertial reference systems, and the principle  of the speed of light,  the speed of light in a vacuum is a universal constant for all observers of the motion.

A consistent and correct description of physical events in different inertial frames of reference without making special assumptions about the nature of matter or radiation, or how they interact.

Light propagates through empty space with definite speed independent of speed of source.

The   theory's main assertions and consequences are the propositions   the maximum velocity in the universe is that of light; that objects appear to contract in the direction of motion; the rate of a moving clock seems to decrease as its velocity increases ;  different systems are equally correct; and that mass and energy are equivalent and interchangeable properties according to Einstein's famous formula: E=mc²

General Theory of Relativity




 Einstein proposed the gravity is a curved field in the space-time  created by existence of mass. Einstein  expain the special theory of relativity into the general theory of relativity it apply   systems in non uniform  motion and  systems in uniform motion .

The theory explains the equivalence of gravitational and inertial mass. The material bodies produce curvatures in space-time form a gravitational field and the path of a body in the field by this curvature



The general theory is principally concerned with the large-scale effects of gravitation and therefore is an essential ingredient in theories of the universe as a whole, or cosmology.

The   space becomes curved in form of matter - the greater the concentration of matter.  The  greater the curvature and the greater the gravity. The geometry of a region of space and the motion in the field be predicted in  from  of the equations of the general theory.



Manhattan Project


 Albert Einstein helps in Manhattan Project, by the U.S   development of the atomic bomb in 1945.  This lead to   destruction in Japan droping  the atomic bomb   during World War 2 after that Einstein was known to be campaigning for a ban on nuclear weapon.


Einstein’s Refrigerator


Einstein developed a refrigerator design that use ammonia, water, and butane, and it need no energy to work.  Companies may realize the importance of cooling & refrigeration without energy, and develop further in the near future.


Photoelectric Effect



Einstein stated that light is made up of particles.  The light particles contain energy. The energy contains in photons is directly proportional to frequency of radiation.

The substances gave out electrons, but the number of electrons emitted  their energy, was increased when the strength of the light was increased.

classical theory, when light  thought to be composed of waves, strikes substances, the energy  is  liberated electrons to the intensity of light.

The energy emitted by the irradiated substance is changing in a discrete quantities .

Einstein proposed that the certain circumstances light can be considered as consisting of particles, the energy carried by any light particle, called a photon, is proportional to the frequency of the radiation.

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