SQL Query to Release lock on database

On October 07

SQL Query to Release lock on database


1. First find out the Lockin ID with the following query:

     blocking_session_id AS BlockingSessionID,
     session_id AS VictimSessionID,

     (SELECT [text] FROM sys.sysprocesses
      CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text([sql_handle])
      WHERE spid = blocking_session_id) AS BlockingQuery,

     [text] AS VictimQuery,
     wait_time/1000 AS WaitDurationSecond,
     wait_type AS WaitType,
     percent_complete AS BlockingQueryCompletePercent
FROM sys.dm_exec_requests
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text([sql_handle])
WHERE blocking_session_id > 0


2. Then kill the Locking id with the following query :

     KILL 63



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